Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ought Apartment at the VAG

At the beginning of the month, I was in Vancouver for a few days (doing this) and I was lucky enough to catch Reece Terris' installation Ought Apartment at the Vancouver Art Gallery.  In short, the installation involves a multi-level structure in the middle of the gallery which houses 6 mock apartments, one per decade, from the 1950s to the present. Terris' eye for detail is incredible, and it was a riot watching gallery-goers of all ages revel in the spot-on period furnishings and accesories, from the surprise drawer contents of the 1950s washroom to the all-too-familiar popcorn air popper in the 1980s kitchen.  My personal favourite detail was the VAG's marble spiral staircase trimmed with orange shag carpeting! 

Ought Apartment was so funhouse-esque, I couldn't resist taking a number of photos (see the above detail from the 1970s apartment) which eventually got me in trouble with gallery security.  In fear that they will tar and feather me if I share them here, I am only including this one photo...if you want to see more, you'll have to come over to my place and check 'em out!

For more on Terris' Ought Apartment, click here.

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