This Sunday at the Toronto Zine Library:
A talk with guest speaker
Shannon Gerard Sunday, September 9th, 2007. 1:30pm
Toronto Zine Library at the TRANZAC, second floor
292 Brunswick Avenue. Toronto
Please join us for a talk with book artist Shannon Gerard hosted by the Toronto Zine Library Collective at the Toronto Zine Library. In her talk, Shannon will discuss her artistic practice, the book as a medium, and her history as a zine-maker and micro-publisher.
Shannon Gerard publishes an ongoing illustrated auto-bio project called Hung. She also prints, binds and distributes little books and artist’s multiples that are mostly about faith, wishing and loss. Her most recent project is a series of multiples called Boobs and Dinks: Early Detection Kits, which involve plush crocheted breasts and penises with little lumps sewn inside that can be found by following instructions in the accompanying booklets- also made to encourage real-life monthly self-examinations.
The Toronto Zine Library is run by a collective of zine readers, zine makers and librarians who are looking to make zines more accessible in Toronto. We believe that zines are still an important medium of communication, and that they should be cherished, protected, and promoted. Our aim to do this through our public collection of zines, conducting related workshops at our physical library and abroad, and by holding events that promote zines as a method of open communication and free expression.
For more information, please contact us at torontozinelibrary@hotmail.com
Or consult our new website and online catalogue: http://www.sitekreator.com/zinelibrary